In April 2023, on the territory of the branch in Volgodonsk (Atommash), specialists of the ECHOPLUS conducted acceptance tests and commissioning of an installation for mechanized and automated ultrasonic inspection of welds and base metal based on flaw detectors with support for phased arrays and TOFD AUGUR-ART.
The installation includes four AUGUR-ART flaw detectors in a 64x128 configuration and allows you to combine flaw detectors into common units, choosing a configuration for monitoring 64x256 and even 64x512.
The installation includes phased arrays, TOFD converters, prisms to them, CHAMELEON scanners, a SCORPION magnetic wheel scanner (SK.M.2D) with a carriage of 300 mm, a track scanner SK426C, a contact fluid supply system.
The installation is designed for mechanized and automated ultrasonic inspection of welds and base metal of "ВВЭР" reactor housings, PGV-1000M and PGV-1000MKP steam generators, pressure compensator, reactor shaft and protective tube block.
The materials of the products are high–alloy heat-resistant and austenitic steels.