27 August 2024
Assessment of the Possibilities of Ultrasound Tomographic Imaging of Multi-Layer Composite Materials

The article discusses the possibilities of ultrasonic inspection of layered compositematerials, which are widely used in automobile and aerospace industries, using wave tomography imaging method.

27 August 2024
Segmentation of an Ultrasonic Reflector Image Based on Analyzing the Proximity of Its Histogram to the Rayleigh Distribution

Currently, reflector recognition (classification) systems based on artificial neural networks are being actively developed in order to increase the speed of preparation of the ultrasound testing protocol and reduce the influence of the human factor.

18 July 2023
Taking into account the uneven surface when obtaining an image of reflectors using the digital focusing antenna (CFA) method

In preparation for ultrasonic testing, the surface of the object is often subjected to mechanical treatment, for example, to remove protective paints. As a result, many depressions up to several millimeters deep and several tens of millimeters long can form on the surface, which, when conducting coherent ultrasonic inspection of surface irregularities, can noticeably distort the restored image of discontinuities.

27 January 2023
Using the coherence coefficient to improve the image quality of reflectors during ultrasonic testing

The article describes experiments that show the effectiveness of restoring CF or SCF images of reflectors, both when registering echo signals with conventional antenna arrays and with thinned (ПРАР) ones, in which the distance between the elements is greater than the wavelength.

8 June 2022
Ultrasonic inspection of welds

Ultrasonic inspection of welds and joints. The service of the Research and Production Center ECHOPLUS in Moscow. Advantages and equipment for narrow control. Scheme and results of the work.

8 June 2022
Ultrasonic non-destructive testing

In this article you will learn what non-destructive ultrasonic testing is and what advantages it has. Types of non-destructive testing. Methods and algorithms of work.

8 June 2022
Mechanized ultrasonic inspection

In this article you will learn what mechanized ultrasound control is and when it is applied. Equipment for mechanized ultrasonic inspection. Areas of application and algorithms of work.

24 December 2021
Increasing the speed of recording echo signals by an ultrasonic antenna array due to optimal thinning of the switching matrix using a genetic algorithm

To increase the speed of recording echo signals and increase the speed of image recovery of reflectors, it is proposed to use a thinned switching matrix (SMC). To obtain a switching matrix that allows to obtain images minimally different from the image obtained by the full switching matrix (FMC), it is proposed to use a genetic algorithm. Two variants of optimization of the switching matrix are considered: element-wise thinning and column thinning. Numerical and model experiments have shown that a thinned switching matrix determined using a genetic algorithm, filled by 25%, allows the formation of images that differ from the image obtained by FMC, with an error of about 3%. Working with the switching matrix by columns allows you to increase the speed of recording echo signals by 4 times. The speed of image recovery increases by the same number of times.

19 December 2021
Image reconstruction of reflectors at the boundary of the base metal and the welded joint using ultrasonic antenna arrays

An effective method of replacing zonal focusing with an antenna array is proposed, which is traditionally used in automated ultrasonic inspection of welded joints with narrow cutting to detect defects at the fusion boundary. This method, based on the use of multi-circuit digital focusing antenna technology (CFA), allows you to obtain and analyze high-quality images of reflectors. The proposed method, compared with zonal focusing made using phased array technology (HEADLIGHTS), is less sensitive to the accuracy of positioning the antenna array relative to the seam axis and to changes in the thickness of the control object, makes it possible to estimate the height of defects not by amplitude, but by the size of the glare reflectors.

17 December 2021
The use of an adaptive anisotropic diffuse filter to improve the image quality of reflectors during ultrasonic non-destructive testing

Currently, in order to increase the speed of preparation of the ultrasound control protocol and reduce the influence of the human factor, reflector recognition (classification) systems based on artificial neural networks are being actively developed. For their more efficient operation, the images of the reflectors must be processed in order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the image and its segmentation (clustering). One of the segmentation methods consists in image processing with an adaptive anisotropic diffuse filter, which is used for processing optical images. In model experiments, the effectiveness of using this texture filter for segmentation of images of reflectors reconstructed from echo signals measured using antenna arrays has been demonstrated.

14 December 2021
Determination of the type of reflector by the amplitudes of the glare of images reconstructed according to different acoustic schemes

Ultrasonic flaw detection has developed methods for recording and analyzing echo signals to determine the type of reflector and its dimensions. The method of digital focusing with an antenna (CFA) allows you to restore the image of the entire discontinuity boundary using echo signals reflected from the bottom of the control object, taking into account the transformation of the wave type. However, this approach is not always applicable in practice, since the shape of the bottom of the object of control may be unknown. Using the features of the behavior of the reflection coefficient for different types of waves, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the type of reflector from images only on a direct beam. Numerical and model experiments have confirmed the operability of the proposed approach.

14 December 2021
Application of Plane Wave Imaging technology in ultrasonic non-destructive testing

Image restoration of reflectors by digital focusing antenna (CFA), along with such advantages as high resolution over the entire area of image restoration of reflectors, the ability to obtain images taking into account the reflection and transformation of the wave type from the boundaries of the object of control, has several disadvantages: a large volume of measured echo signals, a long image recovery time and insufficiently high energy of ultrasonic waves, entered into the object of control. The Plane Wave Imaging (PWI) method allows you to combine the advantages of phased array antenna technology (FAR) and CFA technology. In PWI mode, when a plane wave is emitted, all elements of the antenna array (AR) work (as in the HEADLIGHT mode), which allows you to increase the energy entered into the control object, and echo signals are recorded by all elements of the AR (as in the CFA mode). The images of the reflectors are restored by the combination SAFT method. To obtain an image, the number of emitted plane waves can be used less than the number of antenna array elements, which reduces the volume of measured echo signals. The transfer of calculations to the area of spatial sectors makes it possible to increase the speed of restoration of the presentation of reflectors. Model experiments have shown the positive and negative sides of obtaining images of reflectors by the PWI method in comparison with the CFA method both for the case of using a prism and without a prism.

9 December 2021
Determination of the geometry-acoustic properties of a welded joint as a solution of the inverse coefficient problem for a scalar wave equation

The TOFD method, widely used in ultrasonic flaw detection, allows to distinguish a crack from a volumetric reflector by the phase of the echo signals and to determine its height with high accuracy. However, the TOFD method without scanning with piezoelectric converters across the welded joint does not allow to determine the displacement of the reflector from the center of the seam, which is very important when evaluating the control results. The scanning devices used for this purpose have a complex design, their price is higher than that of one—dimensional sanitizing devices, and, most importantly, the control time increases significantly. If we use echo signals reflected from the bottom of the object of control, taking into account the change in the type of wave, then a combined image of the reflector can be obtained from a set of partial images recovered by the digital focusing antenna (CFA) method. If the echo signals measured in the combined mode for each piezoelectric transducer are used, it is possible to estimate the displacement of the reflector across the welded joint with an accuracy of ± 1.5 mm. Numerical and model experiments have confirmed the operability of the proposed approach.

14 July 2021
Elimination of distortions such as saturation of the ultrasonic echo signal by the least squares method and the Gershberg-Papulis method

When conducting ultrasonic testing, a situation may arise when the values of the recorded echo signals will be greater than the dynamic range of the receiving amplifier and the analog-to-digital converter of the flaw detector. This will cause the echo signals of pulses of large amplitude to undergo a cut-off operation (clipping) and reduce their amplitude, which may lead to an error when estimating the size of the reflector. A declipping method based on the Gershberg algorithm is proposed―Papulis, and its comparison with the declipping method using the least squares method is carried out. Numerical and model experiments have shown that the Gershberg method―Papulisa works more steadily than the least squares method for noisy echo signals and in the case of a rough step of their sampling.

25 January 2021
Consideration of anisotropic properties of repair welding in pipelines Dn800

Practically any welded joint cannot be considered as a homogeneous isotropic medium for control by ultrasonic (ultrasonic) waves. If the phase changes during the propagation of the ultrasonic wave are less than 180 degrees, then the medium can be considered as isotropic and homogeneous. Otherwise, the restoration of the image of the reflectors using simple algorithms will lead to the displacement of the reflector blocks from their true positions, and the shape of the glare will be distorted. Moreover, distortions can lead to the fact that instead of one block there will be two or more with a smaller amplitude. As a result, the glare amplitude of the large reflector may not reach the rejection level and the defect will be missed.

3 January 2021
Clustering of ultrasonic images of reflectors using an adaptive anisotropic diffuse filter

The creation of automated recognition systems for reflectors based on images obtained by ultrasonic antenna arrays is a very urgent task. Its solution will increase the speed of preparation of control protocols and increase their reliability by reducing the influence of the human factor.

21 February 2020
Reducing the level of weakly varying interference by decorrelation during ultrasonic testing using antenna arrays

When conducting ultrasonic testing using antenna arrays, interference pulses may be present in the measured echo signals, which, after the image of the reflectors is restored, may form false glare that complicates image analysis. Such undesirable pulses include pulses of reverberation interference that occur when the probing pulse is reflected from the prism boundaries, and/or pulses reflected from the structural reflector of the object of control. The simplest way to reduce the amplitude of such pulses, in case of their high stability from measurement to measurement, is to subtract a pattern with interference pulses from the measured echo signals. However, if the interference pulses change slightly during ultrasonic testing, slightly changing the arrival time and amplitude, then their suppression by subtracting the noise pattern will not be effective. To reduce the level of weakly varying interference, it is proposed to apply the decorrelation procedure.

26 December 2019
Improving the quality of the CFA image of reflectors through the use of an antenna array with an adaptive protector to account for the uneven surface of the control object

The surface of the control objects may be uneven due to its design features. After installation, during operation or preparation for control, the initially flat surface of the object of control may lose this property. Many methods of image reconstruction of reflectors using ultrasonic antenna arrays proceed from the fact that the surface of the object of control is a straight line. Currently, in the practice of ultrasonic monitoring, the method of digital focusing of the antenna array (CFA) is widely used, which involves recording echo signals during radiation and reception by all pairs of the antenna array and restoring the image of reflectors from the measured echo signals by the combined SAFT (C-SAFT) method. If the antenna array scans along the X axis, then by adding together the CFA images obtained for each position of the antenna array, it is possible to obtain a final image with a lower noise level and a higher frontal resolution.

15 February 2019
The function of measuring the phase difference of glare

AUGUR-Analysis software has a built-in function that allows for the headlights or CFR images of defects to determine the phase difference of two glare, which allows you to specify the type of defect - volumetric or planar. This information is used in advanced data analysis techniques.

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