The article discusses the possibilities of ultrasonic inspection of layered composite mate-rials, which are widely used in automobile and aerospace industries, using wave tomography imaging method. This method obtains an image of the distribution of the longitudinal wave velocity inside the material by solving the coefficient inverse problem for the wave equation under the scalar wave model. The problems of detecting various defects in a layered material by sounding a sample with ultrasonic waves from a single side and registering the reflected waves are discussed. The use of waves reflected from known and unknown opposite boundaries of the sample are considered. Influence of a coupling layer between the transducers and the test sample on the quality of tomographic image reconstruction is discussed. The results of numerical experiments on reconstructing the structure of a sample using wave tomography are compared with the widely used DFA method (digital focusing with an antenna). Inverse problems of ultrasound tomography are nonlinear and, unlike common methods like DFA and synthetic aperture focusing (SAFT), require the use of supercomputers.
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