A nuclear installation is called a device based on nuclear fission, capable of producing energy with its subsequent use. Combined with power units, such as turbines, they generate electricity and heat, which is then distributed and used for its intended purpose. A nuclear installation is equally a nuclear power plant and an icebreaker reactor. We will learn about their purpose, principles of operation and advantages in this article.
A nuclear installation consists of two elements that provide its functions:
the reactor is the central part, whose task is to generate energy by nuclear fission reaction. This process leads to the release of a huge amount of heat, which is then converted into other forms of energy - mechanical and electrical;
a turbine is necessary to capture thermal energy and convert it. It is the presence of a turbine mechanism that distinguishes a nuclear installation from other types.
The efficiency of the most advanced YAZU samples is 40%, which allows them to be used for heavy work requiring long-term generation of large amounts of energy. They are used at nuclear power plants, but the installations have become more widespread as engines for the navy. They are used by military vessels, icebreakers and submarines. In addition, the nuclear engine can be used in the railway, automotive and space fields of development.
Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:
high performance. Nuclear power, despite all the danger of radiation and spent fuel, has no analogues in everything that concerns the volume of energy production. Due to the ability to concentrate it, reactors dispense with large volumes of fuel, thereby significantly reducing the size while maintaining power;
stability. Today, technologies allow you to work safely with any type of installations. Protection systems prevent breakdowns and leaks at all levels, and regular inspections prevent premature wear of components;
versatility. YAZU can be used in a variety of industries, from the energy industry to the machine-building industry. They are a promising direction for the development of the space program due to their compactness and high efficiency for rockets.
The main advantage of a nuclear power plant is a high concentration of energy compared to other sources. Such power plants produce millions of times more electricity than any analogues, despite the danger of such work. Thus, the plant needs much less fuel to operate while maintaining the same power. This is especially critical for areas such as navigation and the space industry, where the opportunity to obtain additional fuel is severely limited.
There were prototypes adapting similar structures for civilian vehicles, but they were not crowned with success. However, in heavy industry they are indispensable due to the highest concentration of energy.