On March 4-6, 2014, the SPC ECHOPLUS took part in the exhibition "NDT Territory" 2014, which was held in Moscow at the EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds.
The exhibition presented the own developments of the SPC ECHOPLUS: AUGUT ART (CFA flaw detector), AUGUR TF. The M2M GEKKO phased array flaw detector was introduced, which performs Digital Antenna Focusing (CFA) with phased arrays in real time were represented first time.
In addition, partners were presented at the stand partners of SPC ECHOPLUS:
- M2M - develops, manufactures and sells ultrasonic and current-vortex controllers for non-destructive testing and medical applications.
DEKRA - A division of DEKRA Industrial offers a wide range of services, from certification to ensuring the safe operation of the enterprise.
Tecnatom - The main activity of the company is the development of automated non-destructive testing systems and the provision of inspection services, quality control services and structural integrity of components.
KARL DEUTSCH - founded in 1949 in Germany. The company develops, manufactures and sells a variety of equipment for non-destructive testing.
PANASONIC - develops and manufactures ultrasonic sensors, including multi-element phased arrays. The piezo-composite IMSONIC technology adapts to a wide variety of tasks.