"We always celebrated the birthdays of ECHO + on April 2, as the first working day of the first employee, T.E. Vopilkin A.H. but "de facto." But "de jure" it turned out that the registration Chamber officially registered us only on January 16, 1991. We have forgotten about this date for many years. Nevertheless, this date really exists and for the first time (hopefully not for the last time) we decided to celebrate it."
On January 15, the ECHOPLUS employees gathered in the conference hall of the STROGINO Technopark to celebrate the company's anniversary. The welcoming speech was delivered by the General Director of the ECHOPLUS Company, Professor Alexey Kharitonovich Vopilkin, in which he listed the main milestones of the company's development since 1991, and told about plans for the future. Representatives of the State Corporation "Rosatom", represented by the deputy. Alexander Fedorovich Gromov, head of the Materials Science Department, was awarded several employees of the ECHOPLUS Research Center for many years of conscientious work, significant successes in professional activities and a great contribution to the development of nuclear energy.
Today, the company employs 65 specialists, including 5 doctors of technical sciences and 4 candidates. And there is hardly another such company in which the same attention is paid to research and practical work. Each device is born through the joint efforts of scientists, engineers and specialists of the ECHOPLUS Research and Production Center.
During the 30-year research and practical activity of the ECHOPLUS, 49 original methods of non-destructive testing were developed, more than 350,000 pieces of welded joints were monitored, 12 patents were obtained, 148 automated ultrasonic inspection systems were manufactured and delivered to customers, about 400 scientific articles and scientific papers were published.
For 30 years, the ECHOPLUS Company has been developing, manufacturing and supplying non-destructive testing systems mainly for the energy and oil and gas industries, carrying out projects in Russia and abroad. The ECHOPLUS ultrasonic inspection products and systems allow detecting internal defects in metal with high accuracy and preventing emergencies at hazardous production facilities. The economic benefit from the use of such techniques and devices is measured in millions of rubles.