In the autumn of 2014, specialists of the ECHOPLUS performed work on ultrasonic inspection of welded joints Dn1100 at the Armenian NPP.
The following works were carried out under the contract:
- A complex (according to the methodology using the AUGUR 5 system) was performed.2. MA5-A1-PK0B/9-K-08 and according to the draft methodology using phased array technology) automated ultrasonic inspection of 14 (fourteen) welded joints (SS) No. 23 Du1100 of power units No. 1, 2 of the Armenian NPP.
- The data of the AUZK of fourteen SS were processed and analyzed, control conclusions were drawn up and transferred to the Armenian NPP.
- A complex (according to the methodology using the AUGUR 5 system) was performed.2. MA5-A1-PK0B/9-K-08 and according to the draft methodology using phased array technology) automated ultrasonic inspection of 2 (two) SS (2PG-5 "hot" and 2PG-6 "hot") at the 2nd power unit of the Armenian NPP after the repair.
- The data of the AUZK of two SS were processed and analyzed after repair, control conclusions were drawn up and transferred to the Armenian NPP.
- The "Technical Report on the implementation of the SS Du1100 AUZK during the PPR-2014" has been released.
- The control of the SS Du1100 was carried out in a short time. The work was carried out by a team of highly qualified specialists of the ECHOPLUS. The employees of "ECHO+ SPC" performed the control qualitatively and with high organization, using the most modern technologies of ultrasound diagnostics of composite SS.
- The control was carried out in 2 stages. At the first stage, data was collected by expert operators using the AUGUR 5 system.2. MA5-A1-PK0B/9-K-08 and according to the draft methodology using phased array technology, ensuring high quality control and primary assessment of the state of the metal for the presence of unacceptable discontinuities.
- At the second stage, data processing was performed, their analysis was carried out with the determination of the content of all irregularities and the execution of the conclusions of the AUZK in accordance with the real state of the controlled SS metal.
- All works were completed on time, taking into account all the requirements of the customer.
- It should be particularly noted the coherence and discipline in the work of the specialists of the ECHOPLUS, as well as their desire to ensure clarity, accuracy and timeliness of the transmitted control results, which made it possible to repair two SS detected by the control results in a short time without leaving the repair schedule of the unit.