July 01, 2021 at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the defense of the doctoral dissertation of the Deputy Director General of the ECHOPLUS, Technical Director - Tikhonov Dmitry Sergeevich took place. On this occasion, Alexey Kharitonovich Vopilkin, CEO and founder of the ECHO+ Research and Production Center, said.
The ECHOPLUS team congratulates Dmitry Sergeevich on his confirmed success, wishes him good health, family happiness and new achievements in the field of non-destructive testing.«Dmitry Sergeevich has been working at ECHOPLUS since its formation – 31 years. All these years we have been developing essentially one, but very important area of narrow – ultrasonic automated flaw detection. During this time, we have developed 4 generations of Augur systems, which were introduced into the practice of control primarily in the nuclear power industry. All our developments were embodied in the defended candidate's and doctoral dissertations. So, in 2006, Vladimir Grigorievich Badalyan defended his doctoral dissertation, the main content of which is devoted to the development of the theory and practice of ultrasonic holography based on the use of projection algorithms in spectral space.
In 2014, Evgeny Gennadievich Bazulin defended his doctoral dissertation in the same council. It discusses the issues of creating new algorithms that implement digital antenna focusing or TFM. The dissertation was of a research nature with a small amount of development and implementation.
Tikhonov's dissertation is a huge volume of practical, development and implementation work with elements of scientific research. Without listing all the achievements reported in this work, I want to focus on one of the main directions in his work, namely the development of control methods, the number of which has reached 40. Each technique includes research and experimental blocks and all together have created a fundamental volume of regulatory documents, according to which all the most critical nodes of power plants are automated. All methods are unique and for the first time .
The direction of "ultrasonic flaw detection", which has been developing throughout the entire existence of the ECHOPLUS, has found a complete and wide application in non-destructive testing of industrially hazardous objects in the works of Dmitry Sergeevich and opened the possibility of creating operational standards based on measuring the actual dimensions of defects. Working from the first days of the existence of the ECHOPLUS, Dmitry Sergeevich went through all the official steps and today is the first deputy general director. Over the years, he has grown into an established scientist who has led our original research and development in recent years and made a fundamental contribution to them. Dmitry Sergeevich enjoys the well-deserved respect not only of the company's staff but also of the flaw detection community of Russia and the world.
Summing up the above, I believe that Dmitry Sergeevich satisfy the requirements for doctors of technical sciences.»