Today, on July 25, 1944, a Man with a capital letter was born in the city of Dedovsk, Istra district, Moscow region — Alexey Kharitonovich Vopilkin!
Our friendly team congratulates you on this event and thanks you for the great and fruitful work that has made a real and significant contribution to the development of the country.
You enjoy a well-deserved reputation as a responsible and competent leader.
Your high dedication, perseverance and constant search for effective ways to solve any problems help the successful development of our great state. You have the ability to see prospects, the ability to understand people, to notice the virtues in everyone, to support by word and deed. You managed to unite the team, professionally subordinate one common goal and achieve tangible results.
We wish you health, vigor, fortitude, optimism and inexhaustible energy for many, many years.
happy Birthday!
The team of the ECHOPLUS Company